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Goddess of Knowledge

Sanatana Dharma proclaims that all knowledge, whether spiritual and secular, is divine. The ancient Rishis visualized knowledge in the form of Goddess Saraswati. Wearing pure white, holding in Her hands an Aksha mala, a book and a veena, and seated on a white lotus, Saraswati revealed Herself to them in their hearts. Saraswati Devi is worshipped throughout India, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.
Goddess Benzaiten

Goddess Thurathadi
Outside India, Saraswati is worshipped as Thurathadi in Burma and Benzaiten in Japan. In Bali (Indonesia), Sri Lanka, Thailand and many other countries Saraswati is being venerated even today.

In olden times, the worship of the deity of knowledge was widespread all over the world. In ancient Persia (Iran) and other regions the Goddess of Knowledge was called Aredvi Sura Anahita. The terms ‘Sura’ and ‘anahita’ are adjectives meaning, respectively, valour and purity. ‘Aredvi’ is supposed to have come from ‘aryadevi.’ Besides knowledge, Aredvi was considered as the presiding deity of water and ponds.
4th century Sasanian silver bowl with high-relief decoration showing
Goddess Anahita sitting on a lion and holding sun in her right hand.

In the ancient Slav mythological classics, which were prevalent in Europe and Central Asia, Mat Zemlya shares the same characteristics as Aredvi. In North Germany’s Norse mythologies the goddess of knowledge was called Saga. It was the goddess of knowledge who was glorified as Nidaba in ancient Mesopotamia.

In ancient Egypt, Seshat was the goddess of wisdom, knowledge and writing. She was depicted as wearing leopard hide and with palm leaf, stylus and measuring instruments in her hands. Seshat is regarded as the feminine counterpart of the Egyptian God of Knowledge, Thoth.

Goddess Athena
The ancient Greeks called their deity of knowledge Athena. The Greeks believe that Goddess Athena was born from the forehead of Zeus, the deity of space, and that she was eternally a virgin. They worshipped her as the presiding deity of knowledge, arts and valour. In ancient Greece, temples dedicated to her were named Athenaeum. Poets and artists used to present their works in these temples. In addition, subjects such as law, philosophy and linguistics were taught in such temples. Along with Goddess Athena the Greeks also adored nine sister goddesses called the Muses.

That magnificent culture which deemed knowledge divine and which worshipped it, no longer thrives, having fallen under the sharp arrows of conquests. People who lived happily in the light of knowledge came under the grip of darkness and ignorance The temples of knowledge collapsed. Arts, sciences, philosophy and independent thinking were washed away in the river of blood shed by religious wars. The cities that were once the exalted centres of culture slipped into the Dark Ages.

But in India, where knowledge is still celebrated, the worship of the Goddess of Knowledge continues to this day. The sacred land remains the arena for the lilas(divine play) of Vakdevi, the Goddess of Speech.

May the melody of Goddess Saraswati's veena awaken those slumbering in ignorance. May the deity of knowledge, dressed in pure white, lead us lead us from untruth to Truth, from darkness to Light and from death to Immortality.

Sooraj Subrahmanyan
Translation: Shri. Sreedharan Namboodiri ji
Matruvani June 2017


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